Read this tweet of Venice_YS since she tweeted this earlier but I could not find a perfect time share it with you. Anyway, much thanks Venice_YS for sharing this in your blog and for tweeting.
When I saw this I couldn't help but admire once again the handsomeness of Hyun Joong in this photo. I like it so much!
But of course on top of his handsomeness his kindness and generosity again also caught my attention. Another handsome angel making a donation. Such a heartwarming gesture for someone who share so much because he get so much as well.
[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong Gift’s Donated As Aid to the children on Japan
Reposted From : Henecia Japan
Lifted from 501 World

Aid to the children in the disaster-hit region from Hyun Joong:
We inform you that some of the gifts Hyun Joong ssi received from all of you on the occasion of his Japan Debut as solo artist, were donated to the children living in the disaster-hit region ( * North East Earthquake in March 11, 2011 ) based on his idea.
As you know, he has been very active in giving his support to the children. He worried about the fact that the foster homes in the disaster-hit regions were facing with shortage of living necessaries, and therefore many children had to live with the very limited supply for their daily needs. He strongly requested us to deliver snacks, toys to these children.
Taking this opportunity, we are are pleased to inform you that with the support from Second Harvest Japan, we delivered the gifts from you to the foster homes in Ohfunato City (the most disaster-hit region in Iwate Prefecture) as well as Restoration Event of Ohfunato.
Well done, my prince.
Miss Hyun Joong so much.
Love you Hyun Joong...
It's not a surprise that HJ has a beautiful heart~~ especially to his fan,and I agree,he look so gorgeous in this picture....=)
The world would be such a better place if more people could be like him. HJ has such a big heart.
This is your fan from INDIA:)
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