Thanks to veggiedelight for the tip.
Tomorrow is the start of Chuseok (Korea's Thanksgiving) and CNr released tonight photo of Jung Min which can be found in several news/entertainment portals sending everyone his greetings.
Wearing a pink hanbok, a bright smile and extending his arms with open palms in the photo, Jung Min via CNr is greeting everyone happy Thanksgiving at the same time saying to everyone to take care and be happy.

And here's another photos of Jung Min that was released by CNr.

Adding here video (making and greeting) of Jung Min wishing everyone a Happy Chuseok. This came from Jung Min's official Korean website. Thanks to emilytien0825 for uploading on her YT channel.
And as for the Chinese they have their Moon Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival which is on September 12 and Jung Min also sends his greeting to all the Chinese by recording this greeting. Thanks to TheSHERLINDA501 for uploading the vid in YT. JM's greeting starts at 0:19secs.
Happy Moon Festival, everyone! ^_^
Happy Chuseok all! :D
That looks nothing like him, why is wearing makeup that makes him look like an older woman, he's so handsome to begin with.
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