Wow... Kyu Jong is overly hot in the vid. I love it! He exceeded my expectation. Wow... as is huh?!
Geez and I never thought suspenders can be that sexy. ^_^
As we all know Kyu Jong is the last member of SS501 to release a solo album. The person who some of us we thought as the most shy and reserved surprised us all last week with the radical transformation by showing us a very different Kyu Jong. A Kyu Jong in which we've never seen before, extreme make-up and white hair for the 1st photo concept and an androgynous yet masculine charisma in the 2nd photo concept. Yesterday though we saw him in another another type of attraction, like a lonely prince with a very masculine appeal. With all these different types of concept we actually hardly know what Kyu Jong is telling us. I have a guess though, he might be telling us that he's not only an idol but an artist who can take any challenges.
With that, finally, SS501 forever center now takes the spotlight with his very first mini album entitled 'Turn Me On'. Here's a video of Kyu Jong with his carrier single for this album is 'Yesterday'. which was lifted from B2Ment official YouTube channel.
Please DO NOT re-upload the video in any streaming sites including YouTube. LIKE the channel if you may.
Kindly support Kyu Jong from buying only at legit music stores as well as download the songs only from legit sites since digital music counts a lot.
Here are the tracklist from the album
1. No More Yes
2. Yesterday (부제: 어제보다 슬픈 오늘…)
3. My Love (Feat. YS(허영생))
4. Get Ya' Luv
5. Get Ya' Luv (Acoustic Version)
Here's one new photo of Kyu Jong from the album. Thanks to slimz1808 for the tip.

Following are new photos from his exclusive interview with

Two words: Love IT!!
Yikes..... In my office with a PC that has NO speakers.... So Just WATCHING and my eyes are as BIG as... Holy C--p!!!! WHOAH KYU!!!!... And yup I have to agree, those suspenders are mighty "sexy"....
*fans myself*...
I like the melody in the beginning, but couldnt find the harmony between the melody (music) and lyrics that he sings. The dance really appeals though. But I just find it hard to like the song. ARRRGH. Really, I dont mean to be a hater or smthg, it's just that the song not that into me, no matter how hard I tried to like it. It makes me upset, that I'm big fan of him.. But WHY oh WHY it becomes like this.. Damn I hate my ear!
At first i thought i listened a trot song...
And to be hotness,it's hard to "feel" the song. The MV is so-so, the song is not my type (T_T) and the dance is so weird and awkward...
I listened the whole album and it's OK, nothing special.
I don't think i can say i like this MV and this alb much...
Anyway, good luck!!!
Sorry, but I don't believe the song gets high place in any chart.
Although I support Kyu Jong.
well for me, I loved it
the song & the MV r awesome
one thing for sure, they seemed to have run out of ideas for MVs. they almost always revolve around the same theme - cars, girls, clubs, breakups. i thought kyu is hot, and the song grows on me more and more each time i listen to it.
where did you ladies hear the rest of the album? i can't seem to find the rest of the songs apart from 'yesterday'?
I love the song I love the choreo
Kyu Jong has my vote for this
He has improved a lot
I'm refraining myself from online illegal downloads until I get hold of my physical copy!
Really thankful to Kyu 4 giving us a great album.Can see e effort in this album, from concept fotos to songs, showing us the artist who is no longer just an idol from SS501.
It may not be a 100% likes from fans and non fans. But that's what art is about.. Everyone has our own preferences.
Though I wont say e song is a big HIT on me when I first hear it but it just gets better as I hit replay e whole night..
As I replay e MV over & over,I'm starting to get depressed.
Coz as much as I would like 2 support kyu,but foreigners like me can only give support via physical album sales... (soribada, what injustice have you done to kyu ..sobz)
*patiently waiting for ur physical album,not succumbing to illegal downloads*
Total hit! No seriously, absolutely exeeded my expectations!
Though the voice won't take me to paradise (though he sings really good), it's the whole MV/dance/choreography that's absolutely fantastic!!! So, in the whole, for the eye, it's absolute candy!
Wouldn't YS have the voice captivating me forever, I'd probably have a hard time now. In comparison with YS MV/Style I have to say I like Kyu's better. Sorry to my bias here. But Kyu just showed what's truly inside of him.^^
there is no comparing. it is only each individual opinion.
saeingie is going to have his 2nd solo album soon. so we are expecting now.
just hope B2M can be a little more concert saeingie.
but from how they promote these 2 members, I can tell the differences.
WOW.... Now had a chance to "listen" as well as "see" (if you call viewing on a phone viewing)..
I instantly LOVED IT!!! As I've said before.. didn't know what I was expecting and at first when i started to read some of the comments, I was thinking... Oh No, I'm gonna be disappointed. I was anticipating a litte too much..... BUT NO.... NOT Disappointed... Totally "Intoxicated".....
We each have our own Likes and Dislikes... And that's great... Makes for a very interesting world don't you think?
Kyu Jong is not my bias but I've always had a soft spot for him. He's just so sweet and knowing how hard it was for him to become a singer made me really want to like his songs. Unfortunately, I'm not in love with them. The title song is okay but I expected more for his solo debut. The song seems so monotone. I kept waiting for the buildup but it never came. This song also makes him sound like just an average singer. When he actually has a great voice. The album isn't bad but none of the songs stand out to me. The mv also reminds me of Young Saeng's, though I am glad his has a bit more story to it. After saying all this, I am glad that Kyu Jong finally made his solo debut and that he got too express himself as an individual.
hihihihi....Kyu Jongie Daebak!!! Save the best for last ^^
I am sorry i need to delete one post that contains link. Let's support KJ.
i like kyu jong the most
well,everybody has their own opinion...:D
kyu jong...DAEBAK...:)
the song didn't get on me the first time i heard it. But it just gets better as i replay and now i really love it^^ can sing with it~
ONE THING FOR SURE I TOTALLY LOVE THE SUSPENDERS DANCE!!!!!!! Never thought suspenders can be so hot!! seriously........ the suspenders turn me on very much kekeekekekek.
Sighs, upset that foreigners can only support by buying albumsm I wish I can Kyu through Soribada & Mnet downloading & streaming like how i supported the others previously........ Lame ban is lame ==
Sadly for me, I wasn't able to "feel" any of the songs. They seemed to blend in so much that I didn't realize that I had listen to the whole album. I was really hoping to like his album or at least one song from the album. Maybe I just need to get my ears checked. LOL Wish him the best. :)
I think the album lacks the chemistry. The only thing that really surprised me is Saengie's rap which is unbelievably awesome - never know he can rap so well!
i love Kyu and his efforts for making this mini album.
i read the comments...some good...some harsh...some rude....hey, to each his own....
i listened to the first it sounded like the song was all over: no direction, no impact but as i listened several times to it, it grew on me....i loved the first part the most...when he said My love (b/g SSSS ^.^) and yes..the suspenders
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